
Showing posts from January 23, 2022

A Short Story | Light and Darkness (IV)

  “For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” — 2 Corinthians 4:6 Enlightenment is a paramount experience of  the People of Light .  But what exactly is “enlightenment”?  What or Who is Light?  What is darkness?   What does it mean to be “enlightened”?  The “Light and Darkness” series seeks to impart revelation or a deeper understanding of the nature of the God of Israel with relation to what we perceive as “reality”.  This blogpost, Part IV of the series, is a short story filled with figurative language.  I hope, my Star, that it puts you into character and life into perspective. The Short Story As you read, close your eyes in your mind (for you cannot read with your eyes closed!)  Imagine my words as though they lift from this page and splash colour onto a blank black canvas bef...

“C'est La Vie” (A Poem) | Light and Darkness (V)

  “C'est La Vie” Inherently darkened The state of mind Of Men, Mind of Men of Mind, Born not wise But ignorant of  The state of mind Of Men, Mind of Men of Mind, Born not wise But ignorant. Surely Wisdom  Presents Herself. Man of Mind  Says to her Pompously, “I am already wise.” In His eyes He is already free. “And in my eyes,” Wisdom replies, “You are a fool.” Of course,  He rejects her; One cannot receive What he already has. Man of Mind Rich in Nothing Ignorant of Ignorance Destined by Darkness To follow fickle feelings Feeds on Death's fruit. “Sweet to the taste.” What pleasure!” “ This is life.” “It is meant to be.” “C'est la vie!” “ C'est la vie. C'est la vie...” Emptiness. “C'est la vie...” Darkness. “C'est la vie...” Confusion. “C'est la vie...” Suffering. “C'est la vie...” Depression. “C'est la vie...” Failure. “C'est la vie...” Uncertainty. “C'est la vie...” Bondage. “C'est la vie...” “Freedom.” Death grips his waist, Kisses...