'An Apology' (A Poem)
To Worthy, Blameless, Pure, Holy, Hated by a misunderstanding humanity Whom You love; For all the times I blamed You Due to my unbelief in Your purity, For all the times I expressed anger at You For abandoning me; Though You never will, For thrashing against Your outstretched arm, Blind to the significance Of the wait in Your eyes; The eyes of the good One Who withholds no good thing, For expressing disappointment in You, Saying, “Why aren't You here?” Though You are, And will always be, For accusing You of being d i s t a n t, Though You await to be sought, Arms open eternally, For imagining You in hatred's cloak On my own accord, Then accusing You of crimes You are unable to commit, Responding to vain imaginations as though You could ever be anyone but Yourself, Pure in Spirit, For deeming You unholy When I misperceive Your rebuke As hatred rather than counsel, For having a short fuse toward You, Though You are Healer, Giving You stripes...