Dear Mommy or Daddy: Invest in Yourself First (A Word on Investment)
Dear Mommy/Daddy: Give yourself grace for not being able to give your children what you would like to. You’d love to give to your children because you deeply desire for them to be provided for, emotionally healthy and whole. However, you can’t give what you don’t have. You're only able to give them what you do have. You’re unable to give your children anything if you have nothing yet, or have not yet born within yourself what you’d like to give. It’s not that you won’t or don’t give them grace or love or financial comfortability— it’s simply that you’re unable because of present issues you’re facing birthed by your past. You are not to blame. Give yourself grace. If you want to invest in your children, whom I know you love, and raise them to be whole in soul, intentionally invest in you . You won’t be able love them with all of you until you become willing to abide in a place of vulnerability, a requirement of healing. Though it is impossible ...