
Showing posts from December 25, 2022

Be Grateful for Suffering

Hello, I’m Light. Welcome to— Introduction Empathy, care and love have born this post. Its  aim isn’t to sternly and apathetically coerce you to develop a likability for pain or see suffering as innately good. Instead, it aims to encourage and inspire you to embrace suffering due to the good outcome it may have through its divine redemption. Upon reading this post, I pray that you will find joy in the downpour, strength in the struggle, and the ability to go through life with hope in God. “Be Grateful for Suffering.” Life won’t get easier—  there will always be ‘bumps in the road’,  but be grateful for the suffering.  God will use it for your good . . . 🎶  — T.ä Be grateful for the storm.  God will use a storm to show you how to rest in the midst of storms; that rest is not the absence of atmospheric turmoil, that peace is attainable in the midst of chaos.  Rest is good, but resting during a storm has a goodness that is irreplaceable. Be grateful for ...

A Love Letter to the ‘Judgmental’

Hello, I’m Light. Welcome to— A Love Letter  To Those Who Struggle  With Judging Others: “May God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace.” Galatians‬ ‭1‬:‭3‬ ‭NLT‬‬ God doesn’t condemn you for being judgmental, beloved. God loves you compassionately, understandingly,  graciously ,   tenderheartedly, unstoppable-y, unendingly,  more than you know.  God, your Father sees each and every one of your struggles, worries, frustrations and concerns, and knows the difficulties of overcoming being judgmental. He takes pity on you.  God doesn’t condemn you for being judgmental, beloved, nor is judgmental  who you are. You are defined by His love, and His Word, and His sacrifice. You are holy, pure, spotless, righteous, forgiven, and made in His image. God doesn’t condemn you for being judgmental, beloved. Instead, the Shepherd of your soul passionately longs for you to come boldly to the throne of grace— to expose your failur...

Intimacy and Authenticity With God

Hello, I’m  Light .  Welcome to— Introduction God made you for intimate relationship with Him; to know Him as “Abba, Father”, and to authentically be yourself with Him. This post is a short thought about  intimacy and authenticity with God . May you, through gaining knowledge of the truth, be liberated from performing and being ritualistic or religious in your approach to Him, free to be intimate and authentic with your Father. Intimacy & Authenticity With God Abba desires intimacy and authenticity in your relationship with Him. Relationship with God is foundational; it determines your approach to purpose fulfillment, prayer, fasting, and all other aspects of life in God. Though spiritual practices like prayer and reading the Word are necessary for developing intimacy with God, a relationship with Him is something you cannot replicate by performing religious practices, bound by doing what you think you should, how you think you should. Relationships are dynamic an...

A Prayer For Divine Direction in Decision Making

Introduction Hello, I’m Light. Welcome to “Light Writes”.  As told by the title, this post is a prayer for Divine Guidance in Important Decision Making. It is one of many in a series of Scripture-inspired prayers for recital. Be sure to leave a comment below to let me know if you like this form of content. Is it beneficial to you? In what way? I would really appreciate your feedback, as it helps me to make decisions regarding the blog and the type of content to post.  xx, Light 💡  Prayer “Because Joseph her husband was faithful to the law, and yet did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly. But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.” — ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭1‬:‭19‬-‭20‬ ‭NIV‬‬ Father, thank You for the privilege of being Yours. You are my Shepherd, who guides and l...