“To the Truth About Yourself, Hold Firmly."
You are who God conceptualized you to be. Do not wait for others to tell you who you are; they do not know. Your worth is attributed by God; attached to His thoughts and love for you. He, the most worthy, has deemed you worth His death. Do not allow others’ actions to determine your sense of self-worth. They will always underestimate it. Ask and allow your Creator, who loves you, to show you who You are— who the spirit man, breathed from His Spirit, in you is. Let the sweetness and affection in His words captivate you and affirm you daily and eternally. Hold firmly to the truth, to the truth about yourself , settling for believing nothing less. In response to others' potential opinions of you, mentally repeat the truth about yourself — it is immutable. Show love, Christ’s pure love, to yourself; delight in allowing Him to pour His love for you, to you, through you, and to others. Receive and extend His grace to those ignorant of who you are, your worth, and how to love you. Exist...