Entry (ii) | Being Honest With My(Your)self
Dear human: Writing. I write from experiential wisdom. Writing is my way out. I write for you, but for me, also. I write for us. My writing frees me, too. I need to read my own work because you and I are the same. 'Human'. I love when God is glorified through man through the image displayed of us. I love that it all reveals God's glamorous essence and vast mind and creative power. I don't want to miss and make myself out to be a 'god' who has a perfect image. Light, the writer of this blog, isn't perfect. Even while I serve on any platform, my robe is stained. We make mistakes, and I make many. I wrestle with flesh daily. I battle sin and carnal nature. My mind is sometimes messy. I am no more of an ordinary man than you are. I fear the Lord, but I am not Wisdom. I speak the truth, but I am not Truth. But I am who God says I am— loved. Loved enough to be affirmed of how dust and blank pages glorify God as my body, soul and spirit. I am perfected, but i...