Entry (ii) | Being Honest With My(Your)self


Dear human:


I write from experiential wisdom. 

Writing is my way out.

I write for you, but for me, also.
I write for us.
My writing frees me, too.

I need to read my own work because you and I are the same.


I love when God is glorified through man through the image displayed of us.
I love that it all reveals God's glamorous essence and vast mind and creative power.

I don't want to miss and make myself out to be a 'god' who has a perfect image. 

Light, the writer of this blog, isn't perfect.

Even while I serve on any platform, my robe is stained.

We make mistakes, and I make many.

I wrestle with flesh daily.

I battle sin and carnal nature.

My mind is sometimes messy.

I am no more of an ordinary man than you are.

I fear the Lord, but I am not Wisdom.
I speak the truth, but I am not Truth.

But I am who God says I am— loved. 

Loved enough to be affirmed of how dust and blank pages glorify God as my body, soul and spirit.

I am perfected, but in my weakness, for I am by no means strong enough to 'elevate myself'.


The only way I can think of summarizing this entry is a line from the song 'creature.' by the band, half•alive.

'I am creature, both haunted and holy, made in glory.'

And in this acknowledgement that I am no more than what I am, this humility Strength has given me, one born in original sin, brings peace.

I guess it makes sense, as…

Glory given to men from men destroys men.

May the same God who loves me enough to die for my sins and give me the privilege of fulfilling purpose call you home.

Song Recommendations:

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