“The People of Light” (I) | Light and Darkness

In this day and age, it is unlikely for one to be unaware of the suffering being experienced globally.  We all hear the Earth as she groans.  To preserve our sanity, many of us have covered our ears.

Situated within suffering is a peculiar body of people whose hope appears inextinguishable.  Within the Earth grimacing at chaos rises a contrasting melodic sound.  With one voice, the people sing songs of joy and triumph, shifting the atmosphere.  Their words and hands share healing.  Their stories of enduring dark pasts inspire.  Even in dire heartache and grief, their recovery is sure.  Their peace remains unable to be permanently stolen.  Despite the steady decline of society’s circumstances, this people declares resolute, “It is well”.  If they have had and are having the same human experiences as the rest of the world, how do they live beyond the suffering?

These people are called the People of Light, Children of the God of Israel.  Each carries a ’light’ within that is unexplainable by human reason.  Some believe that it is an impossible feat to thrive in a broken home, be healed from physical illness with immediate effect, be joyful during grief, be at peace with past and present offenders, overcome addictions, or forgive oneself.  Yet, the People of Light accomplish all this and more.  They live from a place of impossibility. Their hearts and lives seem to be enlightened within a faith-based culture, and their feats? Well, those are accredited to the God of Israel.  

“...With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
— Matthew 19:26

“Who is this God of Israel?”

He is a being; an individual more complexed than human beings.  Though He cannot be seen with the eyes, He is engaged with, encountered and experienced; though He is the “Supreme Being”, He is personal.  Like humans, God is a willed individual.  Our emotions, ability to communicate fluidly and dyadically, and free will are reflections of His own.  Unlike human beings, He is limitless, not limited by space, time, nor worded descriptions.  God (whose names include Yahweh, Jehovah, and “I Am”) is so “beyond us” and complexed that He is orient.  In nature, He is Love.

Yahweh, the God of Israel, is the “Light” the People of Light follow— the Light of the World.  His radiant presence expels darkness in the mind, heart, and home.  Sadly, for various reasons, the God of Israel is widely misunderstood, even among His own people. 

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