What is purpose? What does “purpose fulfilment” mean? Hi! I'm 'Light', and welcome to Light Writes. In this, Part I of the “The Definition of Purpose” series, I’ll be focusing specifically on defining purpose from the perspective that God is Love. Before we get into the content, let's pray.
Thank You for Your eternal love.
Open my eyes that I may see You and myself rightly.
Give me deeper understanding of why You made me.
Pour into my heart through this post, by Your Spirit.
Thank You in advance.
In Your name I pray,
The Definition of Purpose
“To Be Loved . . .”
“So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in Him.”
— 1 John 4:16
“for through him God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth. He made the things we can see and the things we can’t see— such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world. Everything was created through Him and for Him.”
— Colossians 1:16
The word 'purpose' is defined, in simplest terms, as the “why” behind something's creation or existence. From our key scriptures, we can deduce that God is Love, and that everything was created by, through, and for God. As a unit, placed together like the pieces of a two-piece puzzle, these verses say that everything that was made, in the heavenly realms and on earth, was made by, through, and for Love.
All of Creation was created for, through, and by Love. This includes human beings. You were created by Love, through Love, and for the Love of God. God, pure Love, created you for Him. The “why” behind your existence is therefore to experience God's love in a relationship with Him.
Many may view purpose from the perspective that it is an assignment (comprising a series of assignments) meant to be fulfilled throughout the course of our entire lives on the earth. This definition, however, is somewhat inaccurate, as will be further explained in Part II of this series. It is also dangerous, as it can be interpreted to mean that life is about accomplishing a work or a series of works, when it isn't. With this belief comes religion, forms of legalism, the doctrine of service instead of sonship, an inability to rest, and a disbelief that it truly is enough simply to exist.
Once more, the “why” behind your existence is to experience God's love in an intimate relationship with Him. Life is about experiencing a gradually growing and progressing, loving relationship with God.
In this day and age, it is unlikely for one to be unaware of the suffering being experienced globally. We all hear the Earth as she groans. To preserve our sanity, many of us have covered our ears. Situated within suffering is a peculiar body of people whose hope appears inextinguishable. Within the Earth grimacing at chaos rises a contrasting melodic sound. With one voice, the people sing songs of joy and triumph, shifting the atmosphere. Their words and hands share healing. Their stories of enduring dark pasts inspire. Even in dire heartache and grief, their recovery is sure. Their peace remains unable to be permanently stolen. Despite the steady decline of society’s circumstances, this people declares resolute, “It is well”. If they have had and are having the same human experiences as the rest of the world, how do they live beyond the suffering? These people are called the People of Light, Children of the God of Israel. ...
Hi, I’m Light. Welcome to— Introduction War:- “a state of armed conflict between different countries or different groups within a country.” (Oxford Languages) War is synonymous with warfare, and spiritual warfare adopts this definition. Spiritual warfare is an unseen reality of armed conflict in the realm of the spirit; one between the kingdom of darkness and the Kingdom of God. “From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violent assault, and violent men seize it by force [as a precious prize].” — Matthew 11:12 AMP Like all wars, spiritual warfare involves violent attacks, plunder, weaponry and casualties. Due to destinies, purposes, possessions and people’s lives being at stake, it is important for those within the Kingdom of God to be knowledgeable about and equipped, experienced and trained in spiritual warfare. Those of the Kingdom of God must have an awareness and be learned on how to engage and be victorious in spiritual warfare. Sadly, ...
“Fear tries to convince you that you can’t do what you were born to do. It makes you want to run from the opportunity to break that cocoon and enter a new stage of responsibility, showing others whom you were really created to be.” — Tanänia Reid I know how it feels to be where you are; afraid of starting. I know that you are scared because, as I write the second sentence of this blog, I am. Regardless, I have to start. You have to start. We have to start making our dreams happen. Time is valuable, and our timidity is expensive. We have too much within us not to give our all, especially to those who need it. The Ultimate Catalyst The fastest way to get a man to believe is to give him proof of what to believe in. I figure that it would be hard to believe in the wind if nothing ever swayed. Belief in the unseen is born from its physical representation. Therefore, it is impossible for others to believe in the gold within you if it is unsee...
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