Bible Notes: Vessel (Jumping Around Isaiah) | Part II

Quick Recap

In Part I of Bible Notes: Grace (Jumping Around Isaiah), it was highlighted that you are not defined by failure, but by God's unfailing love for you.  Even after failure, you are still chosen, victorious, and loved.  In this, Part II of the series, we venture into affirming you as a chosen, purposed vessel of God.  I pray that you are blessed by my notes.

The Bible Notes

As stated in Part I, the message from these notes is not for Aunty Soup nor Brother Ham, but for you.  Given the charge and privilege of unfolding this to you, here is the continuation of my lovely, God-given notes on “Grace” (Jumping Around Isaiah).  I hope that you enjoy reading enough to read the rest of this series.  I was reading from the Revised Standard Version, and as always, I advise you to follow in your own physical Bible.  If you do not have one, please retrieve the closest one to you (as well as a notepad, of course)!  Let's get right into it.

💡 Light Writes Bible Notes 💡

The Book of Isaiah

Revised Standard Version

Chapter 44:1

“But now hear, O Jacob my 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐭,

    Israel whom I have 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐧!

Before anything is made, the creator of that thing decides why he or she wants to create it.  From the why precedes the design and function of the item or tool.  Usually, products are created to be a solution to a problem, or to fulfill a desire.  You were created both to be a solution to a problem on Earth and because God desired to love you, specifically, eternally.  

Within you is God Himself, with, through, and in whom you have all things and can do all things.  In Him is the purpose for which He made you and who you really are, far beyond the “you” you presently know.  Built into your design are the gifts, talents, and skills you require to fulfill your purpose.  In God, you have everything that you need to live a godly life.  

You will excel in what you are called to do.  You are enough, and you are perennially becoming.  You were not called to be anyone else.  Your voice is unique.  Your potential cannot be replicated.  Your mind is like no other.  Giving your life to God says, “I agree to expose to You every area of my life in trust of Your love that lead You to the cross, and have You bring it to the fullness of what You envisioned for me.”  You are abundant.  You are vast.  You are a vessel meant to be poured from.  You are chosen by the One who loves you.  He no longer calls you a mere servant, though you are made to serve Him from a genuine heart.  Instead, He calls you friend.

“I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from My Father I have made known to you.”
— John 15:15

“Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends”.
— John 15:13

To close, I share this message with you:

Our Time as a Kingdom Has Come

God does not desire servants.  Instead, He desires friends and sons. (John 15:15, Ephesians 1:5)  Friends are entrusted with the mysteries of God.  You are God's faithful friend!  The door for you to fulfill the promises of God in you life have been open since Jesus left Earth. We have the authority or keys of the Kingdom as the Sons and Friends of God.  Friends of God dispense the divine gifts, charisma and anointing given them by the King of Kings.  What you have belongs to others.  The lifestyle of the Kingdom is salvation— health, prosperity, and security.  God trusts you to, from a lifestyle of intimacy with Him, administer the divine gifts.  To God, moments are advantageous.  We often administer the divine gits in opportune times; in moments of crisis.  With your words, speak and administer over people.  Administer according to God's Word; defy the laws of time and space.  This is the time when leaders like we have never seen before will be risen up, and they will be Sons of God.  Let the Holy Spirit lead you in dispensing what is within you.

You are a Son and Friend of God,
A Purposed Vessel,
Chosen by the One Who Loves You.

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