Thought & Theory: “Mental Illness Made a Subject of Humour”

(Photo  in Header by Álvaro Serrano on Unsplash)

I'd like to understand why mental illness and emotional disorders are glorified and made subjects of humour among many within my generation.  I have observed that these rotten roots of glorification run into more areas than just mental illness, including violence, a lack of relational commitment, and self-destructive isolative tendencies.  For me, a doer of, “be loved by God and love others as yourself”, participants in these areas are causes for concern and empathy. As I heal from trauma by faith in the forgiving God at the mention of whom many look away, I cannot help but pose this theory through a rhetorical question: Is making mental illness a subject of humour a coping method for a world that has not accepted healing through Jesus Christ?  A world that refuses to abandon false glory?  Leaning against a wall, I, in metaphor, view the behaviours of men, curious about other ways in which men, hiding soulical wounds from trauma, cope without Christ.  As I heal by faith in Him, I pray for those among my generation to accept healing.

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