“God Could Meet You In A Brothel.”

Y'all, long story short, go. πŸ‘πŸ½  Watch. πŸ‘πŸ½  This. πŸ‘πŸ½  Video. πŸ‘πŸ½

God ain’t gotta meet you in a church, bro.  He could meet you in a brothel.  In a prison.  In the slums.  His love doesn’t become limited by a door, or views, or disbelief.  He’s everywhere, always, extending His love to all people of all backgrounds, waiting for us to believe He loves us the way He says He does— pardoningly and acceptingly.  And when we do, He can finally give us all we need to be fulfilled in this life.  

The question is, do you believe He loves you?  

This post's existence is proof of His love for you.  You reading it right now is proof that He wants you to know that He loves you.  God loves you without condition, more than you could possibly understand.  

God loves you enough to come down in a human's body and die on the cross so that you could be saved from the sin that destroys you and its consequences.  All you have to do to experience God loving on you in a relationship with Him is believe that He died for you out of love enough to say it.

“Jesus died for me.  

Jesus loves me.”

That's it. 

Every Christian is someone God met in a dark place and whom was saved by God's mercy and grace, undeserved kindness and favour.  Being “Christian” simple means, “I believe that God is love, that He loves me and proved that by dying for me, and I'm committed to loving the way He does.”  Your personal background, your history, your mental state, your occupation, your brokenness, your hatred for others— none of it stops God from loving you.  They are all conditions, and God's love is unconditional.

I don't know what you believed before this but the truth is, God is Love.  You are loved before you are healed; you are loved into healing.  You are loved before you are freed; Love frees you Himself.  You are loved before you change; Love graciously and patiently changes and purifies your heart.  You are loved before you are saved; Love stops at nothing to save you.  If He knew this post would be how it would happen, He made the post happen!  For you.  The state of your life and mind right now do not define and cannot com-pare to the future God has for you.  You are seen.  You are heard.  You are loved. xoxo

P.S. If you desire or chose to give your life to being loved by and loving like Jesus and you'd like a sister in His love to talk to πŸ˜‰, here're my emails: 


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