Waiting | Sentences

Photo by Sonja Langford on Unsplash


Hi!  I'm Light.  Welcome to “Light Writes”!  This post is a recollection of the main points I collected on the topic “Waiting” whilst sitting in a Bible Study in youth ministry.  Waiting is a season we respond to differently.  What is waiting?  What is its purpose?  Why do we wait on God?  What do we do while waiting?  What are its benefits?  Let's hear what my note reservoir has to say about waiting.  Enjoy!


Waiting (n):

  1. Staying where one is or delay action until a particular time or event, at times, done eagerly in anticipation.

Key Scriptures:

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy,
it does not boast, it is not proud.
1 Corinthians 13:4

Rejoice in the Lord always:
and again I say, Rejoice.
Philippians 4:3

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient,
bearing with one another in love.
Ephesians 4:2

  1. With waiting, there is expectation.  Hope to receive the thing for which you are waiting.  That thing has a responsibility to meet said expectations.  You also have a level of responsibility while you wait.  For example, you are responsible for yielding yourself to be positioned where you are meant to be at the appointed time for receiving.

  2. Waiting is an opportunity in which time is given to you.  The question asked is, what will you do with that time?  What you do while waiting can determine or influence your outcome.  Here are two great things to use your waiting time.
      1. Prepare for what you are waiting for.
      2. Stay loyal to your faith and expectation.

Why Do We Wait on God?

  1. Waiting is an act of obedience.
    We understand that we are seated in Heaven with Christ.  We are apart of the Kingdom governed by the Word of God.  So, we submit to God, and serve and obey Him.

    ““If you are willing and obedient,
    you will eat the good things of the land;
    but if you resist and rebel,
    you will be devoured by the sword.”
    For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.”
    — Isaiah 1:19-20

    If you are obedient, your promised reward will be good.  If you are disobedient, however, you will end up in a place or position in which God did not want you to be.

  2. The Wait is the hidden process of preparation.
    At times, it is not that our prayers are not heard, but instead that they are either not the will of God, or that there is a process that prepared us for the expected end before the prayer is answered and the desired outcome happens.  This is why we should pray according to His Will for our desires.

    L o a d i n g . . .

  3. Good things don't normally come overnight.
    We should be sure to seek God enough to receive answers regarding the waiting processs.  Your waiting may be in vain if you are waiting incorrectly; that is, if you are not doing anything in the process of waiting.

  4. It is the natural order of how things work.

    “Let us not become weary in doing good,
    for at the proper time we will reap a harvest
    if we do not give up.”
    — Galatians 6:9

What To Do When You Are Waiting

“There were once two farmers.  Both were waiting for rain, but only one of the farmers prepared for it.  When it finally rained, the farmer who was not prepared was not ready and suffered great losses.”
  • Bible Stories on Preparation:
    • “The Ten Virgins”
      Matthew 25:1-13
    • The Wise Man who build his house upon the rock.
      Matthew 7:24-27

  • Examples of Things for which to Prepare While Waiting
    • For the Lord's Coming
      How are you preparing?
    • To Branch Out in Ministry
      Are you learning?  Are you studying?  Are you spending time in prayer?
N.B.  Sometimes, we do not experience what we are waiting for in the way we pre-imagined or at all because we do nothing in preparation for it.

Benefits of Waiting on God

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31
  1. Renewal of Strength
  2. Soaring Like an Eagle
  3. The ability to run with vision and not be weary; to walk with purpose and not faint.
  4. A Lack of Fainting and Faltering in Your God-Given Purpose
    Lamentations 3:25-27

End Notes:

Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4

        You can receive blessings you did not pray for.
  • If you value something, you will be willing to wait for it.

  • What are you doing with your time during the waiting process?

  • Wait well!

Song Recommendations:

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