The Simple Truth.

I believe that what we have termed 'Christianity', that is true Christianity-- Christlikeness is, in reality, humanity, an uncorrupted humanity, and the ideal and peak of its existence; that humanity, uncorrupted, is demonstrated in acknowledgement of God as Creator, and His exaltation. 

To me, dependency on God is as human as the anatomy of homosapiens that He, in His omniscience, calculatively formed; as human as His image of justice, compassion and forgiveness within us and, colossaly regrettably by mankind throughout time, the carnal nature. It is a shame that our minds are darkened; that we now seek truth beyond the truth. The truth is simple and foundational, and yet we seek to create and discover a new universe of complexities detached from the truth, the truth that 'is', and is Christ. That is, unless we decide to believe the truth that the simple truth has been made clear to us: Creation is proof of a creator; the sky was not crafted by human hands, nor did existence come from nonexistence, nor could the details of existence be crafted from anything but a mind, a concept we are only able to define having been bestowed, by mercy, with our own.

We, human beings, unaware of our limitedness and fickleness, fooled by our scientific jargon and praising ourselves for the scope of mental aptitude we did not create. Men deeming man from primitive origins, acting as though at a lower mental capacity than apes, in coats, unaware of our foolishness and ignorance and how much like babes we really are. If only we were babes who were dependent. Dependent on God. Dependent and yielding to the truth and the love so simple that they are overlooked. If only we realized that the imagination within whimsical school-girl novels to which we compare the truth of the Sovereign God's Word originated from the Source of and First Imagining Mind; that that very imagination is proof of Him. If only we did not deem folly wisdom, and wisdom folly. If only we linked the foundational truth to the world of complexities we seek to explore. If only we allowed our darkened minds to be enlightened. If only we accepted answers. If only we humbly admitted God to be existent, and the source of truth instead of ourselves. If only we humbled ourselves. If only we believed that creation is proof of the Creator. Then, maybe we may have been able to believe and delight in all Truth and the Truth we seek yet fail to seek and so avidly despise, the Truth that is Jesus Christ, incarnate divinity,  who is, was, and will eternally be, God. 

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