Purpose and Failure | Poetic Prose

Purpose and Failure”

Your failures will birth purpose. 

“And we know that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose.” 

All things, 

All moments,

Memorable or mundane,


Mess-ups and failures

Will aid in your purpose’s fulfillment.

Failure is not the end;

It is a point of redirection at which you are given a valuable lesson;

One as valuable as that which, had it been applied, would have resulted in success.

You will never fail for good.

You may, however, be allowed to fail for good.

In any case, your failure will always be used for your good and for His purpose for you.

Your failures are avenues for lessons and provide corrections.

From your experiences will come experiential wisdom.

Mistakes will aid you in being a mentor; in understanding and guiding your mentees from their perspective.

Your pitfalls will give you insight and clarity for guiding others on where to go and how to traverse unchartered areas safely.

Your past and present, authentically owned, will qualify you through relatability to your ministry’s beneficiaries.

Your shame will be erased, and the struggle will equip you to champion those who are presently ashamed and struggling.

Your pain will produce a passion to fulfill purpose; a passion to deliver and free the people experiencing the same pain.

Your hardship will develop within the strength required to carry the weight of your ministry.

Upon your greatest struggles will your ministry be founded.

Failure displays the glory and beyond-human, supernatural omnipotence of God.

Failure testifies of God’s grace, mercy, Sovereignty, and ability to bring about His will despite and through your failures.

Failure births grace-filled, shame-dispelling stories and heartening testimonies.

Though failure should not be a sought landmark,

Failure will always be used in arriving at the expected end.

Your history and track record may not be as spotless as you would prefer,

Nor your path as straight-forward.


Your failures will birth purpose.  

Our good and sovereign God use s failures for our good.


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