Abide in the Word

Hello, I’m LightWelcome to—

In this Age of the Battle of Ideologies, abide in the Word. Abide in the Word of God, in the Son. Read the Word, and find Truth in Him. Allow the wisdom of the Word to be healing to your bones and refreshment to your soul. Allow the Word of God to seep into your heart in stillness instead of the words all around you. Align  and compare everything to the Word of God, looking at them side-by-side. Allow the Word, i.e. the Truth, and the revelation of the Word into which the Holy Spirit leads you, to be what you believe and share in freedom. Upon seeing each statement, ask yourself: “Is this truth? Does this align with God’s precepts? Do these words flow from God’s Spirit?” May the truth free, edify, affirm, still, guide, instruct, encourage, strengthen, and assure you.

In this age of information, seek Truth for the sake of your own life and others’.

Abide in the Word.

Grace and peace,


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