Hearing God’s Voice Through His Word | Introduction

Hello, I’m LightWelcome to—


“My sheep hear My voice, 
and I know them, 
and they follow Me.”
John 10:27

Do you desire to hear God’s voice? Good news, Beloved: God is always speaking. God speaks in many and various ways. One of the most frequent ways in which God speaks is through His Word. At the end of this series is a simple method on how to hear God’s voice through His Word.

Before we approach this method, however, you may be wondering, “What may be meant by “God is always speaking”?” Awaiting you in the succeeding post of this series is information waiting to be explored, that which includes the answer to this question, on Hearing God’s Voice Through His Word.

Until the next,

Next in the Series:

“And God Said”

Song Recommendation:


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