“Light, Darkness, and Enlightenment” | Light and Darkness (III)

“For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.”
—2 Corinthians 4:6

The “Light and Darkness” series seeks to impart revelation or a deeper understanding of the nature of the God of Israel, Light, with relation to what we perceive as “reality”.  In this, Part III of the series on light and darkness are simple put-to-pen observations on the two entities’ natural behaviours.  Their features, characteristics and properties are also outlined in ways more straightforward than parabolic.  My Star, as you read, be enlightened.

𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕚𝕤 𝔻𝕒𝕣𝕜𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕤?

Darkness is the absence of light.  It does not exist on its own.  It conceals, and it covers.  It overshadows and overwhelms.  It makes things abstract.  It blinds.  It is deceptive.  It is ominous.  It lies to you by making you think there is nothing there, or that something is.  It illudes and deludes; absorbs and consumes.  It blurs.  It obscures.  Darkness dampens detail.  It lessens field, range and line of vision.  It is created when obstacles block light or by light’s division.  It makes it seem like there’s one plane or level.  It removes specification and order, allowing chaos to be born.  Darkness is associated with chaos and death.  Darkness is ignorance. Finally, darkness is the default.

𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕚𝕤 𝕃𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥?

Light comes from a source.  Light signifies the presence of power.  It freely gives clarity and insight. It shows detail, and truth. It exposes. It reveals what is hidden. It provides vision. It guides you, forward. It is blocked, creating darkness in shadows. Light is warm, direct, and spreads in all directions. It is linear, and pierces darkness. Light cannot be present where darkness is. It removes and overcomes it. It does not compete with darkness; it completely eradicates it. Light is reflective. It shows something’s true form or nature. It reveals true depth. It gives specifications for order. It cannot be removed. It is a point of focus. It continues forever.  Light is wisdom, a component of truth.  Light is associated with prosperity, life and freedom.  The God of Israel is Light.

𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕚𝕤 𝔼𝕟𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥?

Enlightenment is the action or state of being “lit up within”.  Enlightenment is initiated by gaining an awareness of God's existence, and maintained by a gradual gain of truth from God.  Initially, you become aware of the true identity and importance of Jesus Christ by your faith in His being your Lord and Saviour having died for your wrongdoing against Him, others, and yourself.  You become aware that you rebel against the Just (Fair) and Holy (Pure) God, the Creator and Ruler of the universe through, by, and for whom all was made.  You become aware that you will always fail at being blameless regardless of your efforts, and of your need for His freely given grace and forgiveness.  You become aware of His unconditional love for you in that while you were deliberately sinning, He, the blameless sacrificial Lamb of God, died in your place for your sins.  

At the confession of your faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour and in asking for forgiveness and expressing a willingness to abandon deliberate wrongdoing, the triune God —the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit— “enters” your life.  You are forgiven.  You no longer live under the law of sin and death, but sufficient grace.  He fully accepts you as His.  Under lifelong grace, you live in relationship with your Father, God, fulfilling the purpose for which you were created.  You begin to experience His endless love, faithfulness, patience, understanding, acceptance, and gentleness.  You begin to understand and see sin for what it is — bondage; hate against that created to be loved.  You begin to desire purity, and to know more about God.  You begin to see Him for who He is.  

Jesus is the Light of Men and of the World.  God's Holy Spirit guides into all truth.  This includes the truth about race, religion, the world, the body, the universe, your friends and family, yourself, etc.  It also includes the truth about God's humility and blamelessness, and His nature, heart and mind.  It is a beautiful process of freedom and the removal of faulty perceptions.  You become aware that you did not suffer in vain; that there is purpose in your pain; that you are not alone; that you are here for a reason; that you are special; that you are more than enough because you are loved first; that you gained the right to be God's crowned King or Queen or Prince or Princess; that you were never meant to be able to love or be righteous or be holy or do anything without Him.  You are shown your identity in grace and left in awe.  Enlightenment is a gradual gain of insight, information, knowledge, understanding, wisdom, edification, and liberation.  Wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

“Enlightenment” transforms men, women, boys and girls into luminaries who represent God by radiating His nature.  They do this is by living the law: loving God, loving others and loving themselves unconditionally.  They reap the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control in all seasons because of the Holy Spirit's presence in their lives.  They trust God because He s omniscient, Sovereign, and has plans for them.  They comfort those who are suffering and give to those in need because God loves all humanity.  They spread the Good News, the Gospel of salvation by grace through Jesus Christ, whose love for the entire world led Him to the cross.  They tell others of God's longing for each and every individual to be enlightened.  They invite others to live in freedom and peacefully await the day of salvation when Jesus Christ returns for them and does away with sin and its consequences.  God patiently waits for each individual sinner to be enlightened.  All of Heaven rejoices when one individual accepts God and lets Him in.

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